Beginner Model
Brasil | Agent: DIVACITY
Olá ,muito prazer me chamo Ithala Mileyde ,ainda não sou uma modelo profissional mas estou lutando pra me tornar uma acredito que tenho potencial para realizar meu sonho de ser uma modelo conhecida nacionalmente
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ES |
EN |
Height (cm): 168 | Measures: 846489
| Shoe: 37 | Pants: 36 | Shirt: P
| Bras: 36D
| Eye color: Dark Brown | Skin color: Brunette | Hair color: Dark Brown | Hair type: Curly | Tattoos: No
Show your interest
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Talk To Ithala
Be diva you too!
Ithala's Terms
- For professional contact use my form. For personal contact send a gift because talking takes time and sometimes there are no benefits. Do not confuse this with 'something else', but if you have interest send a gift and guarantee my investment of time. I will see your contact details.
Jaqueline |
Suzana |
Carolina |
Ana Clara |
Geisiane |