
Beginner Model

VIP Photos


Vip Photos


Beginner Model


Brasil | Agent: DIVACITY

I am a very hardworking person, I like to go after my goals. I always liked to sing, I started at church and never stopped, I love to dance to different styles of music, when I was little I called my parents to watch me dancing and singing, I did a little ballet but Im not a professional. I love taking pictures in different places, I ask my friend and my parents to take the picture for me, I can also take it myself. a few months ago I did a play at school, my character was the villain, everyone who was present at school got involved with the story of the play, this experience was incredible, the name of the play Who killed Sofia. Im from another agency too, which is Dilson Steins. Im part of the Dilson Stein portal. I want to be able to inspire other people to do good for our society. I spend my free time designing clothes, I also like skating but I dont last long on my feet. I play volleyball and dodgeball in my free time, since when I was little I played capoeira.
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Height (cm): 163 | Measures: Busto: 81 Cintura: 64 Quadril:88 | Shoe: 37 | Pants: 36 | Shirt: M | Bras: 32AA | Eye color: Black | Skin color: White | Hair color: Black | Hair type: Curly | Tattoos: No


Book 2023-A


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  • For professional contact use my form. For personal contact send a gift because talking takes time and sometimes there are no benefits. Do not confuse this with 'something else', but if you have interest send a gift and guarantee my investment of time. I will see your contact details.

