Future Model
Brasil | Agent: DIVA.CITY
I am fascinated in fashion, in clothing styles, in posing for photos, in taking my own photos,. But my goal has always been to be a model, an influencer, to have a career, something that is what I like to do, which is always feeling good, having beautiful photos, poses and that makes me go after what I want.
Change language:
ES |
EN |
Height (cm): 152 | Measures: 723283
| Shoe: 35 | Pants: 35 | Shirt: P
| Bras: 32AA
| Eye color: Dark Brown | Skin color: White | Hair color: Blonde | Hair type: Straight | Tattoos: No
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Josiane's Terms
- For professional contact use my form. For personal contact send a gift because talking takes time and sometimes there are no benefits. Do not confuse this with 'something else', but if you have interest send a gift and guarantee my investment of time. I will see your contact details.
Maria |
Jessica |
Albert |
Thobile phantsh |
Adriana |