
Beginner Model

VIP Photos


Vip Photos


Beginner Model


Perú | Agent: DIVACITY

I am persevering, charismatic, bold, strategic, authentic, cheerful, a demanding person with respect to my jobs and tasks as a model, I am punctual, I am an athlete, I am always active, I am a dancer, I am a singer, responsible, sincere, respectful, friendly and I also do theater in my free time, I am also a very hardworking and studious person. My short-term goal is to get into the Diva City model agency, also another of my goals is to become a great professional and finish my studies with success, I also hope to be able with effort and dedication to become one of the best models of Diva City and being hired by an international agency, in addition to being a person recognized for my talent in modeling. My life has not been easy my parents have tried hard to give me their support at the beginning I wanted to study medicine but later over time I was leaning more for the career of psychology, at age 15 I started attending a modeling school They taught me a lot As for example to pose to highlight my silhouette however they did not give me benefits they did not pay me for the photos they took me and that disappointed me however now I hope that in Diva City I will grow and be a great model in a great agency
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Height (cm): 165 | Measures: 938093 | Shoe: 38 | Pants: 28 | Shirt: s | Bras: 36B | Eye color: Dark Brown | Skin color: Brunette | Hair color: Dark Brown | Hair type: Curly | Tattoos: No



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Eleanor 's Terms

  • For professional contact use my form. For personal contact send a gift because talking takes time and sometimes there are no benefits. Do not confuse this with 'something else', but if you have interest send a gift and guarantee my investment of time. I will see your contact details.



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